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Are you looking for something yummy? Wankz.com offers the best food porn videos on the web! Watch in high quality 4k and 1080p. We have slutty girls deep throating bananas, ass and vagina insertions of cucumbers and every phallic fruit imaginable! Food isn’t always everyone’s first thought when it comes to a good sex video but we know you can’t resist hot lesbians licking sundaes off of each other’s tits and MILFs who pump their breast milk into their morning cereal. Sign up and save the videos right to your computer it’s just like opening the fridge but instead finding a sexy surprise. Hot Asians shoving full sized carrots up their waxed pussies, cute brunettes using jam as lube and whipped cream surprises everywhere. If you can dream it, you can see it we offer a vast collection of all your favorite porn and fetishes the best foodporn the best insertions. Add some flavor to your life, you can always go dark chocolate or search up a vanilla girl.


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